Q. How do I become more involved in the management of the development?
It is possible for a group of owners to set up a Residents Association to act as a point of contact between owners and Trinity and/or the developer.
Legislation provides for the formal recognition of properly constituted Residents Associations that represent a majority of owners and this status allows an association to request information on behalf of it’s membership and be consulted on the management of the development. If you are interested in forming a Residents Association, Trinity can provide you with some guidance notes to assist you through the process of setting up and obtaining recognition.
On a number of estates, the management responsibilities are held by a Resident Management Company (RMC) set up by the developer with initially either the developer or Trinity acting as directors of this company. Once the development has been completed and sold, the control of this RMC can be passed to the property owners whereupon Trinity can continue to act as their managing agent, carrying out the day to day responsibilities of management. We can advise you if this structure applies on your development.